15. The Word of God


2Pet.1:20, 21  -  Above all, you must understand, that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God, as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.



A. Introduction


Acts 2: 42  -  They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. The early disciples devoted themselves to the study of God’s Word; it means, that the study of God’s Word became a fervent part of their lifestyle, and so should it be with us.


Jesus’ life modelled the necessity of God’s  Word to us:

                Luke 2: 46-51: at an early age Jesus was contending the Word with the scholars of the day;

                Luke 4: 1-14: when confronted by the devil, Jesus answered him with God’s  Word , the best defensive and offensive weapon a Christian has against the enemy;

                Matt. 4:4: Jesus answered: “Its is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”



B. What to do with God’s  Word?


                  Study It for yourselves, so that the persuasion for living virtuous lives comes from a convicted heart  -  Acts 17:11

                  Meditate on God’s  Word, even to the degree of memorising Scriptures  -  Jos.1: 8, Ps. 1and 119: 97

                  Devote yourselves to God’s  Word  -  Acts 2: 42

                  Renew your minds with God’s Word, so that you can live out His good, pleasing and perfect will  -  Rom. 12:1, 2

                  Obey God’s Word unconditionally  -  1Sam.15: 22, 23, 1Jhn. 5: 3,4

                  You grow in faith through continually exposing yourselves to the hearing of God’s Word (i.e. preaching and teaching)  -  Rom.10:17

                  Put God’s Word into practice, for hearing It alone is not sufficient  -  Matt. 7:24-27, Jas.1: 22-25

                  Allow Scriptures to teach, rebuke, correct and train you in righteousness  -  2Tim.3:16

                  Through It you receive instruction and counsel in the way you should go  -  Ps. 32:8

                  We keep our way pure through living according to the Word of God  -  Ps. 119: 9

                  Take up the Sword of the Spirit, Which is the Word of God, for It is an offensive weapon against the wiles of the devil  -  Eph. 6:17



C. Authorities


Every person has a basis of authority on which he thinks and acts. For the Christian the ultimate authority to which he appeals, is the Bible  - the inspired and inerrant Word of God.


An external absolute authority is necessary, because:

                each man is basically rebellious and wants to build his own kingdom and to make his own rules;

                man is influenced by others around him and adjusts his values and standards accordingly;

                the Bible alone has the answers for the problems faced by the world today.


Other authorities to which people appeal, are:

                  reason: “It doesn’t make sense, so I can’t believe and accept it!”  However, reason was affected by the fall. It is often speculative, unaware of all the facts, and no more than wishful thinking.

                  feeling: “If it feels good and/or right, it is fine…..”

                  oneself: “There is no absolute authority.” Thus: making oneself the authority.

                  existentialism: culture, circumstances, conditions, etc., determine what man does.

                  tradition : “We have always done it this way.”

                  church: it is what the church (Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodoxy) says that goes.

                  extra Biblical writings: Koran, Joseph Smith, etc., but also at times Christian writers, leaders or teachers.


The Word of God is our only basis of authority:

2Tim. 3: 16, 17  -  All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.



D. The uniqueness of the Word of God


Unique  -  “of which there is only one, unequaled, having no like or equal or parallel; remarkable, unusual”  -  Oxford Dictionary


This section is extracted from Josh McDowell’s book Evidence that demands a verdict.


The Bible is the Book, different from all others:


A. It is unique in its continuity:

                written over a 1500 years’ period;

                written over 40 generations;

                written by over 40 authors from every walk of life;

                written in different places;

                written at different times;

                written during different moods;

                written on three continents: Asia, Africa, Europe;

                written in three languages: Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek;

                authors wrote on hundreds of controversial subjects, e.g. sin, but with complete harmony from Genesis to Revelation. There is one unfolding story: God’s redemption of man.


B. It is unique in its circulation:

The Bible has been read by more people, and published in more languages, than any other book.  There have been more copies produced of its entirety and more portions and selections than any other book in history.


C. It is unique in its translation:

The Bible was one of the first major books translated, and it has  been translated and paraphrased more than any other book in existence.


D. It is unique in its survival:

                The Bible has stood the test of time  -  Until the 15th century (when the printing press was invented) every manuscript was copied   and recopied by hand on material that perishes. In spite of these difficulties, the Bible has not diminished in Its style, correctness, nor existence. The Bible, compared with other ancient writings, has more manuscript evidence than any other book or writings.

                The Bible has survived through persecution   -  No other book has been attacked as much as the Bible. To give an example: in 303 A.D. Diocletion ordered Christians to stop worshipping and to destroy the Scriptures. Possession of the Scriptures meant execution.

                The Bible has survived through criticism  -  The Bible has constantly been criticized. In spite of that, more people trust, read and love the Bible today than any other time in history. Critics have said, that Moses couldn’t have written the Pentateuch, because there was no alphabet, but it has been discovered, that there were five written languages dating back to Abraham.


E. It is unique in its teachings:


                  Prophecy: Much of the Bible, when written, was prophetic. In fulfilment of these prophecies (long after they were spoken and written):

-        cities were destroyed;

-        Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was born;

-        the Jewish people were scattered and resettled in their own land, etc.


Let’s look at a few prophecies concerning Jesus Christ:





^  Place of Christ’s birth

Mic. 5:2

Matt. 2:1

^  Christ born of a virgin

Is. 7:14

Matt. 1:18

^  The triumphal entry into Jerusalem

Zec. 9: 9

Mk. 11: 7-9

^  Betrayed by a friend

Ps. 41:9

Mk. 14:10

^  Sold for thirty pieces of silver

Zec. 11:12

Matt. 26:15

^  Christ silent before His accusers

Is. 53:7

Matt. 27:12-14

^  Mocked and insulted

Ps. 22: 6-8

Matt. 27: 39-44

^  They pierced His hands and feet

Ps. 22:16

Jhn. 20:27

^  Soldiers cast lots for His coat

Ps. 22:18

Mk. 15:24

^  His resurrection

Ps. 16:10

Matt. 28:9

^  His ascension

Ps. 68: 18

Luk. 24: 50, 51


                  Personalities: The Bible deals very frankly with the sins of  Its characters. Some of the writers expose their own sins. The Bible tells it like it is, but biographies often cover up failings and gloss over life.


F. It is unique in its influence on literature

Much more literature has been written about the Bible than about any other book. The Bible is often quoted in other writings.



E. Sundry


Heb. 4:12

- the Word reflects us: we see ourselves in the characters of the Word;


- the Word exposes us; our thoughts and intentions.



Jer. 23: 29

- purges us as a fire;


- breaks down hard and wrong ideas, like a hammer breaks rock.



Ps. 119: 97, 100

- “makes me wiser…..more insight…..more understanding…..


Ps. 119: 105

- Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path:


^ a lamp to my feet to expose:



~ the immediate path (i.e. where I am, and where I  can walk);



~ philosophies of men;



~ standards of men;


^ a light to my path: ahead; guidance and God’s will for my life.


Ps. 119: 52

- I have remembered Thine ordinances from of old, o Lord, and comfort myself. The Word is a means of comfort.



Ps. 119: 92, 93

- The Word helps us through affliction, preserves our lives. It is a means of renewal and refreshment.



Ps. 119: 11

- Thy Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee. The Word is a means of protection.



Rom. 10: 17

- …...faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ. The Word is a catalyst to build faith.



1Tim. 4: 6

- The Word is a means to nourish spiritual life; also Acts 20: 32  -  …..and to the Word of His grace, Which is able to build you up…..

Eph. 6: 17

- …..take the Helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, Which is the Word of God. The Word is a spiritual weapon.



1Pet. 1: 25, 2: 2

- …..but the Word of the Lord stands forever.


- …..long for the pure milk of the Word…..


- we must desire and love the Word.



2Tim. 2: 15

- Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the Word of Truth. We must read and study the Word.



Josh. 1: 8

- We have to confess the Word, and to meditate on It.


Ps. 1




1: 1

- …..blessed is the man…..


1: 2

- But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.


1: 3

- …..he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.


The results: a happy, successful and fruitful life !!!