17. Loving your neighbour


A. Relationships  -  God’s highest priority


Matt. 22: 34-40

                God is love  -  it is His, and our, basic nature;

                we need one another;

                life’s greatest joys, fulfilment and satisfaction come from Godly relationships;

                we are at our best when all relationships are right.



B. Sin affected man’s relationship with God


Gen. 3:8  -  Adam and Eve ran away and hid  -  estrangement



C. Sin affected man’s relationship with man


Gen. 4: 8

                Cain killed Abel;

                men and women have been fighting ever since (see also: Gen. 5: 1-3).



D. Salvation reconciled us to God


2Cor. 5: 17, 18

                through Jesus paying for our sin;

                now we have this ministry of reconciliation to pass on to others;

                we are now in a position to be reconciled to others.



E. We are in covenant with God


1Cor. 11: 24, 25

                an eternal contract;

                drawn up by the Greater, binding Himself into it, when the smaller accepts it.



F. All God’s people are bound into convenant


1Cor.10: 16, 17

                Christian relationships are covenant relationships,

                compared to casual and  functional relationships;

                they are unconditional.



G. We are like parts of a human body


1Cor.12: 12-27

                we are different, yet one (unity in diversity)  -  vv. 12-14 ;

                we are part of the body, whether we like it or not  -  vv. 15, 16 ;

                each part has its valuable function  -  v. 17 ; Eph. 4: 11, 16 ;

                each part must be placed by God  - v. 18 , i.e. be in the right local church!

                each part needs the others  -  vv. 19-22 ;

                some parts are more presentable and honoured than others, but all are important  -  vv. 23, 24 ;

                there must be no division  - v. 25 ;

                we must all suffer, be honoured, and rejoice together  -  v. 26 .



H. “The one anothers”              - we must build relationships according to God’s principles and values:


01    love one another  - Jhn. 13: 34, 35

02    accept one another (do not judge one another)  - Rom. 14:1-3, 15: 7

03    -  forgive one another  - 2Cor. 2: 6 ff , Eph.4 : 31, 32

04    forbear one another (“make allowance for each other’s faults” – the Living Bible)  - Eph. 4: 2

05    restore one another  - Gal. 6:1

06    bear one another’s burdens (be kind and tenderhearted)  - Gal. 6 : 2

07    do not cause one another to stumble  - Rom.14:13, 14

08    serve one another  - Jhn.13:15

09    caring for one another  -Phil. 2: 4

10    preferring one another  - Phil. 2: 3

11    do not wrong one another  -  Lev. 25:17

12    speak no evil of one another  -  James 4:11

13    be truthful and honest with one another  -  Eph. 4: 25

14    be devoted to one another (loyal)  - Rom.12:10

15    giving to one another  - Rom.12:13

16    rejoice with one another  -  Rom.12:15

17    weep with one another  -  Rom.12:15

18    be of the same mind to one another  - Rom. 12:16

19    never take revenge on one another  - Rom.12:19

20    stimulate one another  -  Heb.10: 24

21    encourage one another  - Heb. 3:13