32. Discipling the Nations



A. We need to build with the correct foundations


1Tim. 3:14,15


Luke 6: 47-49  -  this passage of Scripture shows how disastrous it can be building with the incorrect foundations.


Foundations Biblically:

                Jesus Christ  -  Eph. 2: 20, Gal.1: 6-12

                Apostles and prophets  -  Eph. 2: 20

                Scriptures  -  Matt. 7: 24-28


Part of every church’s foundation should be apostolic mandate:

                every church should have a vision to disciple the nations;

                all believers should be able to see their role as part of this mandate;

                every church should be able to declare (by action and/or intention) its involvement with this.



B. Making disciples of all nations


The church’s eternal purpose needs to fit in to the mandate we have to our generation:



- on all levels, until Jesus returns


- to teach, to influence, to impact;


- means all/every!


- “ethnos” or ethnic groups.


Acts 1:8

- Jerusalem

- our city


- Judea

- surrounding area, same culture


- Samaria

- surrounding area, different culture


- the remotest parts of the earth




Now the Lord said to Abram:

“Go forth from your country,

and from your relatives

and from your father’s house

to the land which I will show you.

                1. And I will make you a great nation,

                2. and I will bless you,

                3. and make your name great;

                4. and so you shall be a blessing.

                5. And I will bless those, who bless you,

                6. and the one, who curses you, I will curse.

                7. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”


The Abrahamic covenant is to all nations (families), as is the Great Commission of Matt. 28:18-20. It cannot just mean sending people out from our churches; sometimes it must include the lead elder in a given church as well. Spurgeon said: “Can we go to our beds and sleep, while China, India, Japan and other nations are being damned? Are we clear of their blood? Have they no claim upon us? We ought to put it on this footing:

                Not: Can I prove, that I ought to go?

                But: Can I prove, that I ought not to go?

When a man can honestly prove, that he ought not to go, then he is clear, but not else.”


See the seven-fold structure of God’s blessing and promise to Abram in Gen.12:1-3.

God’s desire in the Abrahamic covenant: Gen. 22:14-18 (v.18b)  -  …..all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.

Christ picks up on this in Matt. 28:19, 20, as the primary function of the church.


The Great Commission demands:




the keys

preaching which results in conversions






training leaders



church planting, planting bases


Great Commandment / Commission