49. Power  -  III



Christ’s power:


is a saving power  -  to save lost souls,

is a pardoning power  -  to forgive,

is a life giving power  -  the only  source of  true life, 

is a wonder working power  -  to do the miracles Jesus was anointed to do (Acts 10: 38),

is a healing power, that is demonstrated even today  -  Peter was empowered with this power through the Holy Spirit; he was empowered with boldness to do the work he was called to do.



Power in prayer


Power in prayer is very largely dependant upon our faith.

These words were uttered by Jesus, as He prayed over the sick (and people were healed): “your faith has done this”.

We are told: “Whatever we ask by faith and believe for, we shall receive”.

There are different ways in which we see the power of God in the Bible, and the same power is for today:

                Anointing the sick with oil in the Name of Jesus.

                Laying on of hands in the Name of Jesus.

                Praying over handkerchiefs, aprons or some personal thing belonging to that person.

                Speaking the Word in power to the sickness to come out of the body; this method is used in deliverance ministry through casting out evil things and setting people free from the clutches of Satan.

                Absent healing for a loved one or friend by proxy.


We can read about these things in the Bible, and we use these same methods today.

This power has the ability to save, heal and deliver us from all our sins, both past and present.


Is. 53 is a great chapter; in v. 5 we read: …..He was crushed for our iniquities (sins)….. He was cursed and whipped for us, because, although He was perfect and knew no sin, yet He was willing to die for each one of us, that we might be set free. His love was so great, that He gave His life, that we might have eternal life and a home eternal. What love, that He should lay His life down for us! No man or woman ever showed love such as this.


What is impossible with man, is possible with God. He knows, He loves, He cares. His power never changes!