55. Spiritual Leadership V


Preparation of a leader



Spiritual warfare


Spiritual leaders: be on the alert: There is a war at hand   -   Expect it, and be prepared for it.



A. The enemy


1.    The enemy consists of a highly organised and immense hierarchy.  Eph 6:10 12




spiritual forces of evil in the heavens

2.    The enemy's strategy is to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY.  John  10:10

3.    1 Peter 5:8, he is prowling, like a roaring lion, looking  to devour someone.



B. Jesus defeated Satan and restored our original authority


Heb 2:14

He rendered satan powerless.

Col 2:15

He disarmed the powers and authorities.

Col 1:13

He delivered us from the dominion of darkness.

Eph 1:18-22

A description of His VICTORY and present position of ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY over the universe.

Eph 2:6

The authority is conferred upon those in Christ.



C. Our protection


1.    The armour of God. Eph 6:1018

2.    "Job's hedge", Job 1:910; consisting of the angels, Ps  91:11; and God's presence, Ps 125:2.

3.    The Word of God, through knowing it, and applying it, e.g. Isaiah 54:17.



D. Our weapons


1.    Rev 12:11;

the blood of the Lamb,

the Word of our testimony,

our selfsacrificial lifestyle.

2.    2 Cor 10:35, spiritual weapons of divine power, with God's  omnipotence behind them.

3.    Eph 6:17, the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. We must know it to use it!

4.    Eph 6:18, prayer and intercession.

5.    Our authority :

Luke 10:19.

Matt 16:1419 the "KEYS" of the Kingdom, the church's main  function and authority.

Mark 16:17 in the NAME of Jesus.

Our authority must be exercised.

6.    James 4:7, through submitting to God we overcome satan.

7.    2 Chron 20:2122, praise and worship releases God's power by establishing His authority.



E. Fighting the battle


1.    Know the facts of spiritual warfare.

2.    2 Tim 2:34, 2226, personal discipline. Not only spiritual  discipline, but physical and mental discipline as well.

3.    Deal with areas of weakness:

be free from bondage

build relationships (for protection)

submit to authority

protect your marriage and family life

deal with hurts, hangups and sin


DO NOT give an opportunity to the enemy, 1 Tim 5:14


4.    1 Peter 5:89, be alert, (on your guard like a watchman),  to satan's attack.

5.    Attacks are signposts on the road to success in God.

6.    Be careful of deception, Matt 7:15; 2 Cor 11:1315.

7.    And when you have done everything to stand, then STAND, Eph  6:1314.



F. Taking authority through intercession


An example of taking authority through intercession, with  astounding spiritual consequences, is found in the life of Daniel, Dan 9:13, 1719, 23; 10:1214.


From the example of the following spiritual leaders, let us develop a heart of caring for those whom we lead, as we are militant in intercession:



Gen 18:22 33 intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah.


Ex 32:9 14, 31 32 intercedes for the Israelites who had  worshiped the golden calf. Num 14:8 22 intercedes for the rebellious Israelites at  the border of Canaan.


Often prayed and thanked God for those in his care:


Rom 1:9 10; Eph 1:16; Phil 1:3 4; Phil 1:9f; Col 1:3; Col 1:9; Col 4:12b; 14; Thes 1:2; 2 Thes 1:11; 2 Tim 1:3



We are told that our ultimate "spiritual leader", God is  interceding for us, (Jesus Rom 8:34; John 17 and the Holy  Spirit Rom 8:2627).

In every way we are commanded to follow after His example.