57. Spiritual Leadership VII








"MINISTRY" is a professional sounding word to most of us. It  conjures up images of clergyman or other church officials, specialists, trained and elevated above us mere mortals.

In Biblical terms nothing could be further from the truth.


"TO MINISTER" according to the dictionary is, "to render aid  or service; to be helpful, contribute, furnish or supply".


Biblically the word MINISTER means to SERVE, and these two words are used interchangeably in scripture. e.g. :

Matt 20:28

KJV Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto,  but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.

NIV Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to  serve, and to give His life a ransom for many".

AMP Just as the Son of Man came not be waited on but to  serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many (the  price paid to set them free).


When we talk about ministry, we talk about any and every  Christian who serves; and those people who place themselves at  the disposal of the needs of others. Ministry is, “People  filled with the Holy Spirit meeting others' needs in Jesus'  Name."





1.    God does the calling and promotion, Psalm 75:67.  Remember that God equips those whom He calls.


2.    2. Our ministry will be affected crucially by the way we see  ourselves, others and God. Therefore      it is imperative that we  know who we are in Christ, and we have a Biblical view of  Christ and others.


3.    We as leaders must encounter human needs, and address these  with the compassion of Jesus. Matt 9:36.


4.    Remember that God is interested in not only who we minister  to, but in us who minister as well.


5.    Our ministry is in "SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH" :

       2 Cor 3:56 Paul here raised the fearful possibility that  our "ministry" may in fact "kill". If our ministry is a  ministry of the letter instead of the Spirit, then our  ministry will have a destructive effect!

       John 16:14 (Jn 4:24) Scripture forges a close link between  the Spirit and truth.

       We desperately need the enabling of the Holy Spirit for  ministry. We will not do a little better if our ministry is  of the Spirit, but we will minister life instead of death. It  is "spiritual ministry" or nothing. When we minister, we  minister in Jesus' Name, as representatives of heaven,  anointed by the Holy Spirit.

       2 Cor 4:7 Our hope, confidence and faith is not in the "jars  of clay", but in the "treasure" from heaven.

       Exodus 30:30 The priest in the Old Testament was anointed for service. In Exodus 40:12 three steps were taken to prepare the priest for service (ministry);

-        “washed” with water

-        “dressed” in sacred garments

-        “consecrated” (anointed with holy anointing oil.)

These serve as a type of what we as "earthern vessels" must  go through for ministry :

-        "washed" by the truth, ie. totally submitted to the  truth of God's word.

-        "dressed" in God's robe of righteousness.

-        “consecrated", anointed of the Holy Spirit for service.





Giving answers in ministry can be dangerous. E.g. "Should I leave my  husband?", or "Should I go to Bible College?" These questions are offers of power over another person's life. We should never  encourage people to give away their responsibility for their own  decisions and lives.


Our goal is to encourage them to hear from God themselves, i.e. "What is God saying to you on the subject?", and "Are you able to  hear Him?"

Once we have imparted this encouragement to hear for themselves,  then we can use the word and our experience to counsel them cautiously and humbly.


Our aim here is to develop their relationship with God.





1.    Watch our diet, rest and recreation these are important areas to monitor and exercise discipline.


2.    Time management is of the utmost importance, Eph 5:16. Prioritise and streamline. E.g.:


GOD        WIFE         CHILDREN           JOB / MINISTRY


3.    Beware of developing the syndrome where our ministry becomes our mistress.


4.    Ensure that the priority of our ministry is Biblically based,  1 Tim 3:4,12, Bob Mumford said, "The  first sheep of those whom I care for as a leader are my wife and then my children"!


5.    Always make sure that you are in a place of safety as you minister as a leader, i.e. where you are :

-        under submission

-        under authority

-        accountable to a team





When we serve we are in a place of sacrifice and there is a price  to pay. But the ministry is not devoid of pleasure, for in  ministering there is :


a sense of achievement


a sense of usefulness


a sense of well being


a sense of the Father's approval