1INQUIRY  - Nehemiah 1: 2

Nehemiah inquired about the state of Jerusalem. He was interested about and concerned about the city.
Leadership works best when you do what you are interested in, what you are passionate about. Engage on what really touches you and motivates you.

Because of Nehemiah doing the inquiry, he received vital information on the state of Jerusalem.
A leader should be informed on the issues he is interested in.

A leader should be a seeker of knowledge. Leadership is about listening and learning.

Nehemiah was moved and touched by the sad state of the city. Before he went to any man for help he prayed to God and interceded. The source and the secret of successful leadership is God who is the solution to every need and challenge we face. Success and victory begins on our knees and then its manifested on the battle ground.

After interceding, the king was moved to help in the rebuilding, Nehemiah was given favor, security and provision for the rebuilding of the city. God gives the leader influence so that he can fulfill his purpose. Hudson Taylor the great missionary to China said, God's work done in God's way will never lack God's provision. God can and will give you influence for His glory.

When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem he did not share his vision of rebuilding the city first. He did a thorough inspection of the walls silently and at night. He was counting the cost and preparing his mind and heart for the task ahead. If you have a vision you should give it time to grow in, give the vision time to be grounded and rooted in you. You need time to feel the vision, to bond to that dream, to let that idea expand in you, you need to feel that burden and take time to connect to the vision until it becomes a part of your life so that when you face the challenges you won't be moved or shaken.

If your project was initiated by God then expect opposition. The enemy will not just sit down and watch you as you complete the task. You will fight battles, you will be ridiculed and rejected, the enemy will cause you to fear so that he can paralyze the project. Nehemiah was opposed, falsely accused and intimidated by the enemies of Israel. Opposition is a sign that you are succeeding, it means you making an impact. So rejoice when men persecute, it means you are being felt. Nehemiah ignored the enemies, prayed to God and encouraged the people. Don't give the enemy attention, focus on the finishing line.

The wall was complete in a record time of 52 days because a leader was willing to rise up and shine, give up his comforts, risk his future, sacrifice his life and fight all odds. If we follow this example we can make a mark in our generation, we can rebuild and remake this world.